Monday, February 11, 2008

Ocean Acidification: The other CO2 Problem

with Dr. Richard Feely

Thursday, February 14, 5:30 - 7:00 pm

Kodiak Refuge Visitor Center (402 Center Street)

Not only is carbon dioxide (CO2) a major contributor to global climate change, but increased concentrations of CO2 in the oceans is causing significant changes in marine ecosystems. Dr. Feely will discuss the implications of increased CO2 levels on the health of our ocean ecosystems and ocean-based economies.

Dr. Richard A. Feely is an Oceanographer at the NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory in Seattle. His major research areas are carbon cycling in the oceans and ocean acidification. He was awarded the Department of Commerce Gold Award in 2006 for his pioneering research on ocean acidification. Dr. Feely is a science advisor for the Alaska Marine Conservation Council.

Sponsored by the Alaska Marine Conservation Council with funding from National

Science Foundation Office of Polar Programs and ARCUS.

For more information:

Please contact Theresa Peterson


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