Sunday, January 13, 2008

Sustainable Kodiak hosts UAF Energy Specialist Rich Seifert

Sustainable Kodiak will be partnering with Kodiak Community College for a series of presentations and workshops by UAF Cooperative Extension Service Professor Rich Seifert on a variety of energy topics.

Monday, February 4th
Peak Oil and Alaska
Guest speaker at Sustainable Kodiak meeting
Where: Rm. 106 Benny Benson Building, Kodiak College
When: 7:15-9 PM

Richard Seifert, UAF Professor and Energy specialist, will be the guest speaker for the Sustainable Kodiak meeting,talking about Peak Oil and how it effects Alaska. Discussion of coming changes, and how Alaskan communities might use their local resources to become more secure and sustainable, through knowledge, experience, and UAF Cooperative Extension information. Come on over and fasten your seat belts. The future is going to be an interesting ride.
Free and open to the public

Tuesday, February 5th
An Alaskan Specific Course on
"Integrating Solar Energy into your Alaskan Home"

Where: Rm. 129 Campus Center, Kodiak Community College
When: 6 PM to 10 PM
Course is taught by Professor Seifert and will cover solar photovoltaic (electric), solar hot water, and passive solar home design. Text is "A Solar Design Manual For Alaska" written by Seifert.

Space limited to first 25 attendees.
Fee: $10 (payable at the door).

Call 1 800 478-8324 to pre-register.

Wednesday, February 6th
Energy Saving and Home Retrofit

Where: Benny Benson Bldg., Room 106
When: 7:15 to 10:15 PM
Course will cover example home insulation upgrade projects and experience from weatherization on how to achieve a more affordable, comfortable home in the marine climate of Kodiak. Free manual included, but please pre-register in order to get a manual.
Call 1 800 478-8324 to reserve a place and manual.


Rich Seifert Professor, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Energy
and Housing has been the Cooperative Extension Service "Energy guy" at UAF
in Fairbanks for 26 years. He has a Bachelor's degree in Physics from
West Chester State University in Pennsylvania, and a Master's Degree
in Engineering Physics from the University of Alaska. He has lived in
Fairbanks 37 years, save for one year (1985-86) when he was a
Fulbright Scholar at the Technical University of Norway, in Trondheim
Norway. Seifert is the author of "A Solar Design Manual for Alaska"
which he uses as a text for an Introductory course to integrate solar
design into homes for Alaskans. He has authored numerous articles and
two books on cold climate homebuilding. He teaches public seminars for
adults, mainly on the topic of Cold and Marine Climate Homebuilding
techniques and renewable energy use for prospective homeowners. He has
authored numerous technical and public information papers and
pamphlets on housing issues, indoor air quality, radon, renewable
energy and sustainable building design. He recently has become very
interested in building a " Sustainable Alaska" and that drives much of
his educational outreach.

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